Hornby Island Blues Workshop

Emily Burgess - Guitar

Last Year we took a leap of faith and invited Emily Burgess to our Workshop. Though we knew how talented she was, and understood her guitar pedigree, we still hadn’t seen her in a teaching role. By the end of Hornby’s Blues Week, we knew we had made a good decision for by the end of Blues Week bother her students and other instructors let us knew she was a great fit. So, it was exciting news when we heard she had released a new album this fall. Arrow her third album is now out earning its way and we can all celebrate that.

So as Emily’s work continues so does ours and, after taking the Workshop on an improvisational tour of Chuck Berry’s contributions to rockin’ Blues last May, we decided to give Emily another ticket to the camp and see what this guitarist, singer, and songwriter can bring to students this time. If you were in camp this year, you know Emily has worked for a wide variety of artists and groups, including The Weber Brothers, The Women’s Blues Revue Band, The 24th Street Wailers, Rita Chiarelli, and Sue Foley. Great Canadian talent! Fronting her own trio (with Marcus Browne on drums and Dawson McManus on bass), she won the Best New Artist Maple Blues Award back in 2018. As a member of the 24th Street Wailers, she and her band mates were nominated for a JUNO award for their 2014 album ‘Wicked’. You can see the trajectory here and so can we. Get ready for registration, Emily’s classes will fill quickly.

2024 Instructors